Professional Expectations and Evaluation Procedures
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Academic Integrity
We expect you to do all you can to ensure the academic integrity of the educational process at CSU Dominguez Hills. We expect your adherence to responsible professional standards of behavior and a commitment to professional ethics. To know more about your faculty responsibility for promoting Academic Integrity at CSUDH, visit the Academic Integrity site.
It is important that you report cases of academic dishonesty; ignoring them doesn’t do the student any favors. When you believe you have identified a case of academic dishonesty you should follow the CSUDH Disciplinary Procedures. You should also consult the department chair regarding such issues.
Instructional/Faculty Development
We expect you to work for the development and improvement of your teaching and evaluation strategies. To that end, we suggest that you consult with colleagues, seek mentoring, and be willing to try new things. Some additional resources to consider include:
- Academic Technology
- Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes
- Center for Service Learning, Internships and Civic Engagement
- Faculty Development Center
- Graduate Studies and Research
- Library Services
- Smart Planner
Non-Reappointment/Employment Separation
Temporary faculty unit employee positions are governed by the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between the California Faculty Association (CFA) and California State University (CSU). A “lecturer” appointment is a temporary academic assignment, typically for a period of one semester, a quarter, parts of a year, or one (1) or more years. Appointments expire at the end of the period stated on your appointment contract/letter and do not establish consideration for subsequent appointments or any further appointment rights. No other notice shall be provided. Appointment as a Lecturer does not constitute service toward eligibility for tenure, nor security of employment.
University policy requires that lecturers who will not be rehired the succeeding semester “separate” from the university before receiving the final paycheck. Additionally, all employees separating must clear all outstanding items. Please check with your respective College Academic Resource Manager or department office staff person for more information.
Once separated from employment at CSUDH you will no longer have access to the campus platforms, such as, MyCSUDH, Blackboard, PTE portal, email, etc.
If you should have questions concerning employee benefits, contact the Benefits Office in the Human Resources Management Department prior to the separation at (310) 243-3769.
Lecturer Evaluation Procedures
Article 15 of the CFA/CSU Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) - Unit 3 establishes requirements for the periodic evaluation of lecturers. You can learn more in the relevant articles 15.15-15.30.
Lecturers are evaluated through their respective department(s). Pursuant to Article 15.2, only tenured faculty and academic administrators may engage in deliberations and make recommendations regarding the evaluation of a faculty unit employee.
Faculty normally participate in the following levels of evaluation:
- Self
- Student evaluations (PTEs) for those with teaching duties
- Peer review by a committee
- Optional peer input (Classroom Observation)
- Appropriate administrator and/or department chair.
You can learn more about your particular appointment if you were hired in a one (1) semester, one (1) year, and multi-year appointment in the relevant articles 12 and 15. You may also view the Academic Affairs Policy AA 2015-01, Evaluating Temporary Faculty Unit Employees.
Evaluations provide an opportunity to the faculty member (particularly in the periodic review of temporary faculty unit employees) with constructive feedback to further their growth in teaching (if applicable) and student learning, professional development; they also ensure lecturers meet University, College, and Department expectations in the performance of their assigned duties.
You should receive the evaluation criteria and procedures from your department chair no later than 14 days after the first day of instruction of the academic term. Questions about the department evaluation guidelines and timelines should be discussed with your respective department chair.
Personnel Action File (PAF)
Pursuant to the CFA/CSU Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article 11.1, “The Personnel Action File shall be defined as the one (1) official personnel file for employment information and information that may be relevant to personnel recommendations or personnel actions regarding a faculty unit employee.” “A faculty unit employee shall have the right to submit material to his/her Personnel Action File. A faculty unit employee shall have the right to submit a written rebuttal to any material in his/her Personnel Action File or scheduled for placement in his/her Personnel Action File after notification of such placement pursuant to provision 11.4 of this Article”.
The personnel action file for the full-time faculty unit employee is housed in the Office of Faculty Affairs and Development. You may request to view your PAF by visiting the office during regular business hours at Welch Hall, Suite B-368, Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm.
The personnel action file for the part-time faculty unit employee is housed in the College Dean’s Office. Please contact your respective college to schedule a time to view your Personnel Action File (PAF).
RTP Criteria for the Evaluation of Lecturer Faculty
In accordance with the CFA/CSU Collective Bargaining Agreement, the Department provides lecturers with the criteria by which their teaching and currency in the field will be evaluated. Lecturer faculty must demonstrate satisfactory teaching performance and satisfactory demonstration of currency in the field.
Please contact your department chair for more information.
Range Elevations
Range elevation refers to an increase in salary by movement from one range to the next, e.g., Range A to B, B to C, or C to D. If the temporary faculty unit employee is granted a range elevation than it shall be increased by at least five percent (5%) on the salary schedule.
Procedures on the lecturer (temporary faculty) range elevations can be found on the Academic Affairs policy, AAPS010.001 and the CFA/CSU Collective Bargaining Agreement, Articles 12.16-12.20 and 31.6.
AAPS010.001 reads:
“Lecturers eligible for range elevation on the salary schedule shall be limited to those who have no more Service Salary Increase (SSI) eligibility in their current range, and have served five (5) years in their current range.”
- Each year the Office of Academic Affairs Personnel Services, Division of Academic Affairs, shall compile a list of lecturers eligible for range elevation. On or before November 1st, eligible lecturers shall be notified of their eligibility and each department/division shall receive a list of lecturers eligible for range elevation in that department/division.
- Each eligible lecturer shall be considered for a range elevation on the salary schedule unless he or she informs the Department/Division Chair in writing of his or her desire not to be considered at this time.”