The International Student Services Office (ISSO) is an integral part of the U.S. government homeland computer security system known as SEVIS. The ISSO functions through the Campus Coordinator - USCIS Designated School Official who is certified to issue the form I-20 to eligible international students while following the Code of Federal Regulations. The ISSO must report all foreign student addresses, enrollment, health insurance, employment and travel in real time to SEVIS. The ISSO assists international students in sustaining their F-1 student visa status. All newly admitted international students must report to the ISSO and attend a special USCIS Orientation Program one week before classes begin (mandatory on-campus report date on the form I-20). Only the ISSO can issue work permits and travel validations to CSUDH foreign F-1 visa student body. It also administers letters for banking, U.S. Social Security cards and military deferment while temporarily visiting the U.S. to gain their education.
The ISSO maintains certain records on international students such as:
These records are for your protection in validating your lawful status in the United States. Helping you maintain your U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) F-1 International Student Visa status is one of our highest priorities.
The Office of International Education offers support for a variety of programs. For more information, please contact Ms. Ormond Rucker, Visa and Immigration International Coordinator at or (310) 243-3734.